Corporate Communications
Corporate Communications

Corporate Communications

CommunicationsContent ProductionSecret Sauce

During my time at Paramount Global, I was lead producer on a number of company-wide addresses for the Paramount Multiplatform Production Group and the Marketing Communications Group (Marcomms). These town hall style events we’re often hybrid broadcasts where employees gathered in-person in a small auditorium at their NYC headquarters, and included speakers delivering remarks from their homes.


As producer of these events, I oversaw every aspect of the town hall. These events often took weeks of preparation, but were greatly appreciated by attendees. They fostered a sense of community and transparency among our department, while allowing the wider company to see our fantastic work. These events allowed me to take a step back from my day-to-day work as Director of Operations and flex my producing skills. There is nothing like a live event to stretch your ability to work under pressure.

These events fostered community among our peers, and allowed employees of all levels to show off their amazing work. I was always proud to put on a great production for an audience of producers & creatives with critical eyes themselves.




  • Developing the run-of-show and booking the guest speakers
  • Scripting remarks for the department Senior Vice President
  • Designing slides and overseeing any video assets being edited
  • Booking auditorium and securing necessary crew (camera, sound, teleprompter, etc)
  • Scheduling and running tech and script rehearsals

Show day

  • Floor producing the crew
  • Troubleshoot tech issues
  • Monitoring the livestream and responding to comments for employee engagement

Post Mortem

  • Employee survey to engage effectiveness of the event
  • Distribution of internal communications with event takeaways
  • Archival of presentation assets for future reference

I was even asked to be on-camera for our amazing “Get to Know” series profiling our team. Normally one to stay behind the camera, it was a humbling experience. : )
